shopt -s nullglob
+e() { $int || return 0; printf "mailtest-check: %s\n" "$*"; }
# We run this cronjob along with sending the test email every 5 minutes,
# so give it 1 minute to arrive, then if the latest email is older than
# 7 minutes, the last 2 haven't arrived in a reasonable amount of time.
if [[ ! $1 && $- != *i* ]]; then
+ int=false
sleep 60
case $HOSTNAME in
- folder=/m/md/
+ folders=(/m/md/{,}/testignore)
- folder=/m/md/
+ folders=(/m/md/
-find $folder/new $folder/cur -type f -mmin +300 -delete
-cd $folder
-# webmail sends them to cur it seems
-for file in new/* cur/*; do
- if [[ $file -nt $latest ]]; then
- latest=$file
+for folder in ${folders[@]}; do
+ find $folder/new $folder/cur -type f -mmin +300 -delete
+ cd $folder
+ last_sec=0
+ # webmail sends them to cur it seems
+ for file in new/* cur/*; do
+ if [[ $file -nt $latest ]]; then
+ latest=$file
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $latest ]]; then
+ e latest = $folder/$latest
+ last_sec=$(awk '/^Subject: / {print $4}' $latest)
-if [[ $latest ]]; then
- last_sec=$(awk '/^Subject: / {print $4}' $latest)
+ now=$(date +%s)
+ limit=$(( now - 60 * min_limit ))
-now=$(date +%s)
-limit=$(( now - 60 * min_limit ))
-if (( last_sec <= limit )); then
- echo $HOSTNAME mailtest failure $(date -d @$last_sec +'%a %m-%d %H:%M')
+ if (( last_sec <= limit )); then
+ echo $HOSTNAME mailtest $folder $(date -d @$last_sec +'%a %m-%d %H:%M')
+ fi