a() {
- local x=$(readlink -nf "$@")
+ local x=$(readlink -nf "${1:-$PWD}")
# yes, its kinda dumb that xclip/xsel cant do this in one invocation
echo -n "$x" | xclip -selection clipboard
echo -n "$x" | xclip
faf() { # find all files
- find -L $1 -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
+ find -L $1 -type f -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \
-o -name .hg -prune -o -name .editor-backups -prune \
-o -name .undo-tree-history -prune \) 2>/dev/null
pkx() { # package extract
c `mktemp -d`
- cached=$(ls -t /var/cache/apt/archives/$1* | tail -n1)
+ cached=$(ls -t /var/cache/apt/archives/$pkg* | tail -n1)
if [[ $cached ]]; then
cp $cached .
aptitude download $pkg
- dtrx -m $f
- dtrx -fr $f
+ ex $f
rm -f $f
rbpipe() { rbt post -o --diff-filename=- "$@"; }
rbp() { rbt post -o "$@"; }
+resolvcat() {
+ local f
+ f=/etc/resolv.conf
+ echo $f:; ccat $f
+ hr; echo dnsmasq is $(systemctl is-active dnsmasq)
+ f=/var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf
+ hr; echo $f:; ccat $f
+ f=/etc/dnsmasq-servers.conf
+ hr; echo $f:; ccat $f
rl() {
# rsync, root is required to keep permissions right.
# rsync --archive --human-readable --verbose --itemize-changes --checksum \(-ahvic\) \
systemctl restart $service
-serstopnm() {
+stopnm() {
ser stop NetworkManager
ser stop dnsmasq
s resolvconf -d NetworkManager
ser start dnsmasq
+startnm() {
+ ser start NetworkManager
+ s nmtui-connect
setini() { # set a value in a .ini style file
key="$1" value="$2" section="$3" file="$4"
path_add $GOPATH/bin
path_add /usr/local/go/bin
-export ARDUINO_PATH=/a/opt/Arduino/build/linux/work
+export ARDUINO_PATH=/a/opt/arduino-1.8.9
path_add --end ~/.npm-global
if [[ -e $f ]]; then
s chmod 640 $f /etc/prometheus-pass
s chown root:www-data $f
- s chown root:prometheus /etc/prometheus-pass
+ if getent passwd prometheus; then
+ s chown root:prometheus /etc/prometheus-pass
+ fi
##### end special extra stuff #####
### end docker install ####
### begin certbot install ###
case $distro in
case $distro in
+ pi virt-install
# otherwise we get error about accessing kvm module.
# seems like there might be a better way, but google was a bit vague.
s $sed -ri '/^ *user *=/d' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
echo 'user = "root"' | s tee -a /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
- # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=206206
- # # this should prolly go in the wiki
- sgo virtlogd.socket
# guessing this is not needed
#sgo virtlogd.service
- sgo libvirtd
+ # iank: disabed as im not using libvirt usually
+ # # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=206206
+ # # # this should prolly go in the wiki
+ # sgo virtlogd.socket
+ # sgo libvirtd
+ debian|trisquel|ubuntu)
+ pi-nostart virtinst virt-manager
+ ;;