# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-set -x
set -eE -o pipefail
trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
# built BELANOS basefile with mk-basefile -J BELENOS64. it's stored in
# it's own repo which is published alongside this one called
# fai-basefiles due to being a large binary file.
+declare -A sums
+while read -r sum file; do
+ sums[$file]=$sum
+done < <(cat /a/bin/fai-basefiles/md5sums.txt)
+curl -s http://fai-project.org/download/basefiles/md5sums.txt |
+ while read -r sum file; do
+ if [[ ${sums[$file]} && ${sums[$file]} != $sum ]]; then
+ echo "${0##*/}: WARNING!!!!!!!!! NEW UPSTREAM BASEFILE: $file"
+ fi
+ done
scp -q /a/bin/fai-basefiles/*.tar.xz root@$faiserver_host:/srv/fai/config/basefiles
ssh root@$faiserver_host bash <<'EOF'
set -eE -o pipefail