parted -s $dev mklabel gpt
# MiB because parted complains about alignment otherwise.
pcmd="parted -a optimal -s -- $dev"
- $pcmd mkpart primary "ext3" 12MiB ${root_end}MiB
- $pcmd mkpart primary "linux-swap" ${root_end}MiB ${swap_end}MiB
+ $pcmd mkpart primary ext3 12MiB ${root_end}MiB
+ # without naming, systemd gives us misc errors like:
+ # dev-disk-by\x2dpartlabel-primary.device: Dev dev-disk-by\x2dpartlabel-primary.device appeared twice
+ $pcmd name $rootn root
+ # normally a swap is type "linux-swap", but this is encrypted swap. using that
+ # label will confuse systemd.
+ $pcmd mkpart primary "" ${root_end}MiB ${swap_end}MiB
+ $pcmd name $swapn swap
$pcmd mkpart primary "" ${swap_end}MiB ${disk_mib}MiB
+ $pcmd name $bootn boot
# i only need a few k, but googling min size,
# I found someone saying that gparted required
# required at least 8 because of their hard drive cylinder size.
# And 8 is still very tiny.
$pcmd mkpart primary "ext2" 4MiB 12MiB
+ $pcmd name $grub_extn grubext
# gpt ubuntu cloud image uses ~4 mb for this partition. fai uses 1 MiB.
# so, I use 3, whatever.
# note: parted manual saying cheap flash media
# should to start at 4.
$pcmd mkpart primary "" 1MiB 4MiB
+ $pcmd name $bios_grubn biosgrub
$pcmd set $bios_grubn bios_grub on
$pcmd set $bootn boot on # generally not needed on modern systems
# the mkfs failed before on a vm, which prompted me to add
# warning about it in error.log
sed -i '/^ *GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT/d' /etc/default/grub
+# this is usefull. Only thing reason I see this being disabled by default is
+# that a normal user can disrupt the system, eg cause a reboot.
+sed -i '$a kernel.sysrq=1
+/^kernel.sysrq=/d' /etc/sysctl.conf