# lines like "total 123M", we don't want
if [[ ! $line =~ ^total\ [0-9][^\ ]*$ ]]; then
- [[ ! ${line:10:1} == " " ]] && aclchar=true
- # we also need to parse the hardlinks on the first pass, because for
- # example ls could see the highest count as 11, and thus use 3
- # places for hardlinks, " 10", but then we use 9 or 8 for a more
- # useful count, and would then use 2 places. So we have to look
- # through them all because we can't rely on the spacing that ls
- # decided on.
- y="${line:11}"
- initial_space="${y%%[![:space:]]*}"
- hardlinks="${y#$initial_space}" # remove any initial spaces
- hardlinks="${hardlinks%%[[:space:]]*}" # remove everything beyond first word
- # ignore the hardlinks that files/dirs always have
- if [[ ${line:0:1} == d ]]; then
- hardlinks=$(( hardlinks - 2 ))
+ if ! [[ $line == [-dscbl][-r][-w][-xsS][-r][-w][-xsS][-r][-w][-xtT]* ]]; then
+ hardlinks=
- hardlinks=$(( hardlinks - 1 ))
- fi
- [[ $hardlinks == 0 ]] && hardlinks=
- if (( ${#hardlinks} > max_hl_digits )); then
- max_hl_digits=${#hardlinks}
+ [[ ! ${line:10:1} == " " ]] && aclchar=true
+ # we also need to parse the hardlinks on the first pass, because for
+ # example ls could see the highest count as 11, and thus use 3
+ # places for hardlinks, " 10", but then we use 9 or 8 for a more
+ # useful count, and would then use 2 places. So we have to look
+ # through them all because we can't rely on the spacing that ls
+ # decided on.
+ y="${line:11}"
+ initial_space="${y%%[![:space:]]*}"
+ hardlinks="${y#$initial_space}" # remove any initial spaces
+ hardlinks="${hardlinks%%[[:space:]]*}" # remove everything beyond first word
+ # ignore the hardlinks that files/dirs always have
+ if [[ ${line:0:1} == d ]]; then
+ hardlinks=$(( hardlinks - 2 ))
+ else
+ hardlinks=$(( hardlinks - 1 ))
+ fi
+ [[ $hardlinks == 0 ]] && hardlinks=
+ if (( ${#hardlinks} > max_hl_digits )); then
+ max_hl_digits=${#hardlinks}
+ fi
done< <( "$binls" -lAh --color=always "--time-style=+%m-%d %Y
%m-%d %I:%M %P" "$@" )