up there after someone edits them for the benefit of readers besides me
(Ian Kelling).
+* todo
+spd crypt-luks-keys-loopback luks pass should say partition
+document the process of being an outbound relay for sourceware
+* parallel ssh
+dancershell: bob uses it. works but has no scp feature.
+parallel-rsync: works but a bit slow and has somewhat ugly verbose logs
+clustershell: works pretty fast, but its documentation sucks, super
+* ffmpeg streaming
+#+BEGIN_SRC bash
+ffmpeg -video_size 128x72 -f x11grab -framerate 4 -i :0.0+0.0 -vf drawbox=color=black -vcodec libvpx -g 8 -quality realtime -threads 2 -error-resilient 1 -content_type video/webm -f webm icecast://source:PASS_HERE@live-master.fsf.org:8000/stream-room-jupiter.webm
+to black it out temporarily, send to stdin:
+cdrawbox -1 t fill
+and to undo that:
+cdrawbox -1 t 0
+c is to start a command. if you press c interactively, ffmpeg will tell
+you it is waiting for a command and the syntax of one.
* obs/i3 keybind reminders
+= layout splith
+t layout splitv
+g layout tabbed
+shift+v move workspace to MON-LEFT
shift+h clip hc
shift+j clip up
shift+k clip intro
iptables -S = nft list ruleset
iptables-translate does translation of iptables arguments (but not -S).
+* mumble setup
+push-to-talk palm+t
+set transmit mode push to talk palm+t
+set transmit mode continuous palm+g
+network: hide public server list
+certificate wizard, import certificate under /p/mumble
+messages: uncheck speech to text
+input audio: uncheck audio cue & mute cue