[distro-setup] / i3-abrowser
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # I, Ian Kelling, follow the GNU license recommendations at
3 # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-recommendations.en.html. They
4 # recommend that small programs, < 300 lines, be licensed under the
5 # Apache License 2.0. This file contains or is part of one or more small
6 # programs. If a small program grows beyond 300 lines, I plan to change
7 # to a recommended GPL license.
9 # Copyright 2024 Ian Kelling
11 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
15 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21 # limitations under the License.
23 if ! test "$BASH_VERSION"; then echo "error: shell is not bash" >&2; exit 1; fi
24 shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null ||: # ignore fail in bash < 4.4
25 set -eE -o pipefail
26 trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" exit status: $?, PIPESTATUS: ${PIPESTATUS[*]}" >&2' ERR
29 # remove local/bin from path
30 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/2108540
31 tmp=:$PATH:
32 del=/usr/local/bin
33 tmp=${tmp//:$del:/:}
34 tmp=${tmp%:}
35 tmp=${tmp#:}
36 PATH=$tmp
37 # prefer abrowser
38 if type -P abrowser &>/dev/null; then
39 b=abrowser
40 else
41 b=firefox
42 fi
44 # spawn and mark if we dont have a mark already
45 if ! /a/c/i3-focus-maybe abrowser; then
47 i3-msg "workspace 2"
48 i3-split-maybe
49 $b "$@" &
50 # on a fast computer, .5 is too fast, 1 is ok. on x200, 1 is too fast, 2 is ok.
51 sleep 2
52 i3-msg "[workspace=__focused__ class=\"$b\" instance=\"Navigator\" window_role=\"browser\"] mark abrowser"
53 wait
55 # else
56 # # If we were streaming 1/4 of the screen without separate workspaces, we might
57 # # want something like this. But as is, it is better to just focus. same deal in
58 # # my other programs like this one, but I removed the code there.
59 #
60 # cur_workspace=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused? == true) | .name')
61 # i3-msg "[con_mark=\"abrowser\"] focus"
63 # if [[ $cur_workspace == 2 ]]; then
64 # i3-msg "swap container with mark abrowser; [con_mark=\"abrowser\"] focus"
65 # else
66 # i3-msg "[con_mark=\"abrowser\"] focus"
67 # fi
70 fi