license headers
[log-quiet] / sysd-mail-once
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
17 set -eE -o pipefail
18 trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR
20 errors=3
21 cbase=$HOME/sysd-mail-once-state
22 case "$1" in
23 -h|--help)
24 cat <<EOF
25 Usage: sysd-log-once [-ERRORS] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]
26 For systemd timers, email on repeated failure & success after failure.
28 In the service triggered by the timer, prepend this script to the ExecStart.
29 The email will contain the service's logs for the last ERRORS runs.
32 Stores error counts in $cbase
34 -ERRORS: ERRORS is the number of failurs to accumulate before mailing the error.
35 Default is 3.
36 EOF
37 exit 0
38 ;;
39 -[0-9]*)
40 errors=${1#-}
41 shift
42 ;;
43 esac
44 service=$1
45 shift
47 c=$cbase/$service
49 glob="$c[0-9]*"
50 arr=($glob); file="${arr[0]}"; [[ $glob != "$file" ]] || file=
51 u=${USER:-root}
52 [[ -d $cbase ]] || mkdir -p $cbase
54 if [[ ! $file ]]; then
55 cursor=$(journalctl --show-cursor -qn0|sed 's/^\s*--\scursor:\s*//')
56 fi
57 if "$@"; then
58 if [[ $file ]]; then
59 rm -f $file
60 if [[ $file == $c$errors ]]; then
61 echo | mail -s "$HOSTNAME: $service success" $u@localhost
62 fi
63 fi
64 else # $@ failed
65 if [[ $file ]]; then
66 i=${file#$c}
67 if (( i < errors )); then
68 new_file=$c$((i+1))
69 mv $file $new_file
70 file=$new_file
71 if [[ $file == $c$errors ]]; then
72 journalctl -u $service.service --after-cursor=$(<$file) | \
73 mail -s "$HOSTNAME: $service failure" $u@localhost
74 fi
75 fi
76 else
77 file=${c}1
78 printf "%s\n" "$cursor" >$file
79 fi
80 fi