#!/bin/bash if [[ -e /tmp/fsfsys-recent ]]; then tmp=$(mktemp) touch --date="1 minutes ago" "$tmp" cooldown=false if [[ /tmp/fsfsys-recent -nt "$tmp" ]]; then cooldown=true fi rm -f "$tmp" if $cooldown; then echo "error: wait 1 minute between requests" exit 0 fi tmp2=$(mktemp) touch --date="5 minute ago" "$tmp2" cache=false if [[ /tmp/fsfsys-recent -nt "$tmp2" ]]; then cache=true fi rm -f "$tmp2" if $cache; then cat /tmp/fsfsys-recent exit 0 fi fi d='/var/lib/znc/moddata/log/iank/libera/#fsfsys' date0=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) date1=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d yesterday) f0="$d/$date0.log" f1="$d/$date1.log" url=$( { sed "s/^/$date1 /" $f1; sed "s/^/$date0 /" $f0; } | /a/opt/fpaste/fpaste -x 60 |& grep -i '^http' | sed -r 's,/view/,/view/raw/,' ) notice='This url is not public and this message does not not imply permission to share it publicly. It expires in 60 minutes. Related: the "Public logging" section at https://libera.chat/policies/.' printf "%s %s\n" "$url" "$notice" | tee /tmp/fsfsys-recent