#!/bin/bash # https://stackoverflow.com/a/2108540 tmp=:$PATH: del=/usr/local/bin tmp=${tmp//:$del:/:} tmp=${tmp%:} tmp=${tmp#:} PATH=$tmp # -allow-downgrade good enough? #rm -f {/p/c/firefox-main-profile,/p/c/firefox-main-profile,/p/c/firefox-vpn2-profile,/mnt/z/firefox-vpn-profile}/compatibility.ini # --allow-downgrade # ^ useful option for when the browser refuses to run, but it always # causes a new browser window to open, even if normally it would open a # new tab tmpf=$(mktemp) i3-msg -t get_tree | jq -e '.nodes[].nodes[].nodes[].nodes | [.[]] + ( [.[].nodes[]]) | .[] | select(.window_properties.class=="abrowser") | .id' | sort >$tmpf # prefer abrowser if type -P abrowser &>/dev/null; then abrowser "$@" & else firefox "$@" & fi # .5 was too fast sleep 1 # debug #printf "%s\n" "$*" >> /tmp/a if (( $# == 0 )) && ! i3-msg -t get_tree | jq --stream -r 'select(.[1]|scalars!=null) | "\(.[0]|join(".")): \(.[1]|tojson)"' | grep 'marks.0: "abrowser"$' &>/dev/null; then # explaining this jq nonsense. when the abrowser window starts, it # might be in a vertical split container, and then it is nested down # another level. the best way I could find to look in both levels was # to get both, then combine them with + (and you have to turn them # into a single array instead of a list of arrays with [.[]], or else # it will add the arrays a bunch of times and give several results. # comm gives us just the new id. id=$(i3-msg -t get_tree | jq -e '.nodes[].nodes[].nodes[].nodes | [.[]] + ( [.[].nodes[]]) | .[] | select(.window_properties.class=="abrowser") | .id' | comm -23 - $tmpf | head -n1) rm -f $tmpf if [[ $id ]]; then i3-msg "[con_id=$id] mark abrowser" fi fi wait