#!/bin/bash source ~/.bashrc fqdn=$(hostname -f) up4=false if timeout -s 9 5 ssh-keyscan -p 2220 -t rsa 2>/dev/null | grep -qFx '[]:2220 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCH+/h1dGEfKEusBblndU2e6QT4wLCm5+yqr/sqh/0X9YfjR7BfWWm8nNmuP55cYc+Wuf5ljB1H1acXEcsl1y8e0j3agHfF0V74FE1N1zz5nn2Ep8NHnmqgEhza38ZxMPh+4p3X7zklEKU7+3SzybKBi8sg0wLzlS2LM0JaUN80zR2sK11Kye3dURUXPk78u5wodOkgcEYRwSYaDMJlUzWP+poRXIDJwFaMQnwmxbl/c84yOyaU0x/d6hFwoRscWecihX+vvBNeSyxR4xr2HDOyUWwJkctyAgt2p7w3tfkXOKcCRzTAjGVIMQLTvo0sG/yJbcyHoEFdFybCsgDvfyYn'; then # we are on home network cur4="$(host -4 b8.nz iankelling.org | sed -rn 's/.*has address (.*)/\1/p;T;q')" if ip4=$(curl -s4 https://iankelling.org/cgi/pubip); then if [[ $cur4 && $ip4 && $cur4 != $ip4 ]]; then up4=true fi fi fi # may not be set yet so allow fail cur6="$(host -4 -t aaaa $fqdn iankelling.org | sed -rn 's/.*has IPv6 address (.*)/\1/p;T;q')" ||: up6=false # maybe we dont have ipv6 working if out6=$(curl -s6 https://iankelling.org/cgi/pubip) && [[ $out6 ]]; then dev=$(ip -o a show to $out6 | awk '{print $2}') # we use slaac with privacy extension, so get our less private more permanent address mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/$dev/address) IFS=: read -a f <<<$mac; set -- ${f[@]} ip6=${out6%:*:*:*:*}:$(printf %x $((0x$1 + 2)))$2:$3'ff:fe'$4:$5$6 # in case we aren't using slaac if ! ip a | grep "^ *inet6 $ip6/" &>/dev/null; then ip6=$out6 fi if [[ $cur6 != $ip6 ]]; then up6=true fi fi if ! $up4 && ! $up6; then exit 0 fi # note, a simpler way to do this would be to ssh and use # "${SSH_CLIENT%% *} # to update bind if needed. f=$(mktemp) cat >>$f <>$f <>$f <>$f <>$f <$f <