#!/bin/bash # meant to be copy/pasted ssh bk@bk.console.bitfolk.com # or ssh iankelling@iankelling.console.bitfolk.com destroy rescue sudo -i mkdir -p /root/.ssh chmod 700 /root/.ssh cat >/root/.ssh/authorized_keys <<'EOF' ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDX42yru/h6r6UDRy/VwVZjcYEmNLG5/SUjv7xwu43OaW0wL+uHYg2rkfn4Ygh5o1I5pgBh2SWg8TeWuVGhgL1SCuBzzeai/+58Sny065Qak+D2WjVOuRonRelh+CBA5EpNZPuiWQkoWdf9NACTBCbS2Zu7r8OOgRqu/ruaDNePlG5+U0Wlpy3oBnpbzQiuSA3AKMW30fsCJtOBjz5qQaiPbYEKJy3AOvtbq10wliKx9TpsTzrq8dKWs7PLhZnzqVCsaq6D95IzjqXcSpx4Cga5bn+YEuAnJQ53PGA5eO+hpz6HDmawTbJlaV/Dufb9bJ/ZZy1DXzs07yWRtTEY54/X ian@iankelling.org EOF apt update apt -y install openssh-server ##### in another terminal ###### host=je scp /b/ds/bitfolk* root@$host.b8.nz: ssh root@$host ./bitfolk-rescue-install $host ### back to the 1st terminal poweroff boot # press ctrl ] exit jepush # todo: lets copy the host keys around so we dont have to do this. khfix je sl root@je /a/bin/ds/distro-begin # todo, fix it so i can ssh to sl je /a/bin/ds/distro-begin sl je /a/bin/ds/distro-end