[defaults] # 2.7.4-1ppa~xenial would use 194M of memory resident in htop # and run out of 4g of memory. just ran ansible 2.9.9-1ppa~bionic+9.0trisquel1 # and with 23 fork limit, it topped out at 1 gig used of memory. # we have about 60 hosts, so 100 should allow them all to run in # parallell without a problem without having memory problems. # oldused=0; while true; do used=$(free -w -t | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}'); if ((used > oldused )); then oldused=$used; echo $(date) $used | tee used; fi; sleep 1; done forks = 100 # Ansible doesnt have have trisquels python path in its os info. # Silence a warning # https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html interpreter_python = auto_silent # strategy = free # DO NOT ENABLE. # # As of 2019-08-07, include_tasks is very broken with the free strategy. # tasks will not be run for some hosts, or "when" rules ignored and run # for the wrong host, or some hosts a task will be run twice. Even if we # switch to import_tasks, I wouldn't trust using this until that bug is # found and fixed. repro: tested with 2.7.4, (no bug reports or fixes # found), Running just the common role, then searching for which hosts # an install.yml included role got run using # # f() { awk '/xfsprogs/ { x = 1; next }; /^TASK/ { x = 0 }; x && /\[/ { print }' $1 | sort | uniq -c | pee cat wc; } # f LOGFILE host_key_checking = False display_skipped_hosts = False retry_files_enabled = False # readable output stdout_callback = yaml # Our logs are already pretty big. You can temporarily uncomment to enable # profiling info in the logs. #callback_whitelist = timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles # Ansible suggests using the file module instead of chmod, but then it # follows symlinks without an option to turn it off, which is completely # braindead and screwed up my system. command_warnings=False [ssh_connection] pipelining = True retries = 2 [colors] # found in color.py. default blue is hard to read on a black background verbose = bright blue