" Note, this config is many years old and needs serious updating. notes for everything in .vim. .vim/unix.vim this is just a vimrc to set nocomptable for testing not currently installed: ColorSamplerPack: {{{ download from vim.org cd ~/.vim unzip ~/dt/ColorSamplerPack.zip }}} javacomplete - omnicompletion for java.{{{ http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1785 files are: .vim/autoload/java_parser.vim .vim/doc/javacomplete.txt .vim/autoload/javacomplete.vim .vim/autoload/Reflection.java install instructions are on the site, and in the vim documentation. my install procedure: download from website in shell: > unzip ~/dt/javacomplete.zip -d ~/.vim > vim -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/doc" add stuff to vimrc, has "javacomplete near added parts. }}} {{{ syntaxattr.vim get this file: autoload/SyntaxAttr.vim add this to vimrc: autocmd FuncUndefined * exe 'runtime autoload/' . expand('') . '.vim' map :call SyntaxAttr() }}} syntax/sh.vim, modified from official version to make highlighting better " vim:sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 foldmethod=marker