#!/bin/bash -l # Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling # distro setup full. (assuming we already synced data files to the host) set -eE -o pipefail trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR reboot=true if [[ $1 == -r ]]; then reboot=false shift fi host=$1 if [[ ! $host || $host == -h ]]; then echo "$0: error: expected 1 arg of hostname" exit 1 fi set -x if $reboot; then # untested, this caused hang using here doc. ssh $host "touch /tmp/keyscript-off; sudo reboot" ||: fi pxe-server fai $host while ! ssh $host :; do sleep 5 done dsremote $host