X-Git-Url: https://iankelling.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=distro-begin;h=c0c1f240cb494b14b0d41256b258aaa546f45ec5;hb=4f13ea60bec1126f54b9da543b549d29d5013a69;hp=a408d27bec7b3919e5a24e05e69502de9c4c4eb9;hpb=aeb3f88455a90def90a645a7b5567d55dda18339;p=distro-setup diff --git a/distro-begin b/distro-begin index a408d27..c0c1f24 100755 --- a/distro-begin +++ b/distro-begin @@ -13,22 +13,35 @@ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. +# for setting up a new machine +# usage: $0 [-r] HOSTNAME + +# tips: +# run any sudo command first so your pass is cached +# set the scrollback to unlimited in case something goes wrong +####### begin setup environment ####### -# for bootstrapping a new machine -# in case we need it, -# to make ssh interactive shell run better, we run this first. +### make ssh interactive shell run better. for when running line interactively line by line sudo bash -c 'source /a/c/.bashrc && source /a/exe/ssh-emacs-setup' -# usage: $0 [-r] HOSTNAME +##### setup error handling +interactive=true # set this to false to force set -x +[[ $- == *i* ]] || interactive=false +if ! $interactive; then + set -x +fi +source /a/bin/errhandle/err + +### setup logging +exec &> >(sudo tee -a /var/log/distro-begin) +echo "$0: $(date): starting now)" -# tips: -# run any sudo command first so your pass is cached -# set the scrollback to unlimited in case something goes wrong +### sanity checking if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then if getent passwd iank || getent passwd ian ; then echo "$0: error: running as root. unprivileged user exists. use it." @@ -38,34 +51,26 @@ if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then fi fi -interactive=true # set this to false to force set -x -[[ $- == *i* ]] || interactive=false - -if ! $interactive; then - set -x - set -e -o pipefail -fi -set -E -trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?"' ERR - -exec &> >(sudo tee -a /var/log/distro-begin) -echo "$0: $(date): starting now)" -# headless=false # unused atm +### arg parsing recompile=false -# for copying to a new data fs -bootstrapfs=false # old flag, needs new look before using. while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do case $1 in -r) recompile=true; shift ;; esac done - if [[ $1 ]]; then export HOSTNAME=$1 fi -for f in iank-dev htpc treetowl x2 frodo tp li lj demohost kw fz; do + +##### variables/env setup +script_dir="$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")"; script_dir=${script_dir%/*} +source $script_dir/pkgs +set +x +source /a/bin/distro-functions/src/identify-distros +$interactive || set -x +for f in iank-dev htpc kd x2 x3 frodo tp li lj demohost kw fz; do eval "$f() { [[ $HOSTNAME == $f ]]; }" done has_p() { ! linode; } # when tp is tracis, then not tp either @@ -74,16 +79,16 @@ linode() { lj || li; } has_btrfs() { ! linode; } home_network() { ! linode; } encrypted() { has_p; } - shopt -s extglob export GLOBIGNORE=*/.:*/.. -umask 0002 +umask 022 +PATH="/a/exe:$PATH" +sed="sed --follow-symlinks" + +####### end setup environment ####### -####### end command line parsing -PATH="/a/exe:$PATH" -sed="sed --follow-symlinks" ##### begin setup encryption scripts ###### if encrypted; then @@ -129,31 +134,29 @@ EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload # needed if the file was already there sudo systemctl enable keyscriptoff.service sudo systemctl start keyscriptoff.service + + # from /usr/share/doc/dropbear-initramfs/README.initramfs.gz + while read m _; do /sbin/modinfo -F filename "$m"; done /lib/cryptsetup/passfifo fi ##### end setup encryption scripts ###### -install-myqueue +# disabled until its fixed up +# install-myqueue -# this script has been designed to be idempotent # todo, it would be nice to cut down on some of the output - -for x in /a/bin/errhandle/*-function; do - source $x -done - - -set +e -$interactive || errcatch -set +x -source /a/bin/distro-functions/src/identify-distros -$interactive || set -x - +##### fedora prereq/fundamental settings if isfedora; then # comment out line disallowing calling sudo in scripts sudo $sed -i 's/^Defaults *requiretty/#\0 # ian commented/' /etc/sudoers - # turn on magic sysrq commands for this boot cycle + # turn on magic sysrq commands echo 1 > sudo dd of=/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo "kernel.sysrq = 1" > /etc/sysctl.d/90-sysrq.conf # selinux is not user friendly. Like, you enable samba, but you haven't run the magic selinux commands so it doesn't work @@ -163,6 +166,7 @@ if isfedora; then fi +#### rerun my fai-time scripts # already ran for pxe installs, but used for vps & updates distro=$(distro-name) case $distro in @@ -175,25 +179,27 @@ case $distro in ;; esac +###### setup hostname sudo $sed -i '/^127\.0\.1\.1/d' /etc/hosts echo " $HOSTNAME.b8.nz $HOSTNAME" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts +##### exit first stage if running as root if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then echo "$0: running as root. exiting now that users are setup" exit 0 fi -#### begin link bashrc for root ###### +#### setup bash for root for x in /a/c/{.bashrc,brc,.bash_profile,.profile,.inputrc,path_add_function}; do sudo -i </dev/null || sudo groupadd -r bind @@ -201,46 +207,48 @@ fi # this needs to be before installing pacserve so we have gpg conf. conflink +###### bash environment setup set +x -errallow +err-allow source /etc/profile.d/environment.sh source ~/.bashrc -$interactive || errcatch +err-catch $interactive || set -x -# passwordless sudo +#### setup passwordless sudo tu /etc/sudoers </dev/null <<<"$line" + sudo dd of=$file 2>/dev/null <<<"$line" sudo depmod -a sudo update-initramfs -u fi ;; esac -######## end fix evbug bug ###### - -###### begin link files ########### +###### link files # convenient to just do all file linking in one place - - s lnf -T /a/bin /b s lnf -T /nocow/t /t - if has_p; then lnf -T /p/News ~/News fi - s lnf /q/root/.editor-backups /q/root/.undo-tree-history \ /a/opt /a/c/.emacs.d $HOME/mw_vars /k/backup /root - +pi rsync # needed for rootsshsync +/a/bin/ds/install-my-scripts # needed for rootsshsync rootsshsync - s lnf /a/c/.vim /a/c/.vimrc /a/c/.gvimrc /root - -# machine is going away -# if [[ $HOSTNAME == htpc ]]; then -# lnf -T /i/Videos ~/Downloads -# fi - if has_p; then # for dovecot lnf -T /i/k/mboxes ~/mail fi -###### end link files ########### -##### basic needed packages -### begin setup for keyboard and redshift ### -case $(distro-name) in - - trisquel|ubuntu|debian) - if has_x; then - if isdebian-testing; then - pi xmacro/unstable # has no unstable deps - else - pi xmacro - fi +##### install xinput +if has_x; then + case $(distro-name) in + trisquel|ubuntu|debian) pi xinput + ;; + fedora) + pi xinput_calibrator + ;; + arch) + pi xorg-xinput + ;; + esac + + #### install redshift + case $(distro-name) in + trisquel|ubuntu|debian) # recommends gets us geoclue (for darkening automatically at night i assume), # which recommends modemmanager, which is annoying to fix for the model01 keyboard. pi --no-install-recommends gtk-redshift - fi - ;;& - fedora) - p -y groupinstall development-tools c-development books admin-tools - pi wget man-pages - if has_x; then + ;;& + fedora) pi redshift-gtk - # debian has this package patched to work, upstream is dead - # tried using alien, pi alien, alien -r *.deb, rpm -Uhv *.rpm, got this error, so fuck it - # file /usr/bin from install of xmacro-0.3pre_20000911-7.x86_64 conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-19.fc20.x86_64 - # http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/xmacro - pi patch libXtst-devel - cd $(mktemp -d) - wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/x/xmacro/xmacro_0.3pre-20000911.orig.tar.gz - wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/x/xmacro/xmacro_0.3pre-20000911-6.diff.gz - ex *.gz - patch -p0 < xmacro_0.3pre-20000911-6.diff - cd xmacro-0.3pre-20000911.orig - make - sleep 1 # not sure why the following command couldn\'t find, so trying this - # no make install target - s cp -f xmacroplay xmacrorec xmacrorec2 /usr/local/bin - fi - ;;& + ;;& + arch) + pi redshift + ;;& + esac +fi + + +#### arch specific early packages +case $(distro-name) in arch) - # like apt-cache + # pkgfile is like apt-cache pi pkgfile s pkgfile --update - if has_x; then - # libxtst is missing dep https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xmacro/#news - pi xorg-server redshift xorg-xinput libxtst xmacro - - # background: - # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xkbset/#comment-545419 - cert=$(mktemp) - cat >$cert <<'EOF' ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIJADCCB+igAwIBAgIRAIVAhZ0TMbQ5jTm0koI8X6YwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw -djELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAk1JMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlBbm4gQXJib3Ix -EjAQBgNVBAoTCUludGVybmV0MjERMA8GA1UECxMISW5Db21tb24xHzAdBgNVBAMT -FkluQ29tbW9uIFJTQSBTZXJ2ZXIgQ0EwHhcNMTUxMjA4MDAwMDAwWhcNMTgxMjA3 -MjM1OTU5WjCBsTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxDjAMBgNVBBETBTY1MjExMREwDwYDVQQI -EwhNaXNzb3VyaTERMA8GA1UEBxMIQ29sdW1iaWExHzAdBgNVBAkTFjExMDAgQ2Fy -cmllIEZyYW5ja2UgRHIxHzAdBgNVBAoTFlVuaXZlcnNpdHkgb2YgTWlzc291cmkx -CzAJBgNVBAsTAk1VMR0wGwYDVQQDExRmYWN1bHR5Lm1pc3NvdXJpLmVkdTCCASIw -DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAN8Kap8hASpxQeqjHibGsCR1PBkh -nW9p5FkuhGpMW/3ko8QfxH0W1Hq2y2DTFUmq17kH3GfT3h9a7HcmUrC3q15PciOB -WR3j8u0bDfVppyAZXiHJzYGN7xHiPrZtFEGgwZd28+sW80WXTbGl+zKkmeZguGdH -AVGeWJEFK44ctLbpjHWCy+xNuhxJuL4olwPoV7WX9IUhceC0rxYQANhLGOJhbchj -Z76MA8dc2K3CZI5m7VqQwl09QSnCfz00afUr88ny9vj1S5k2ADS46gaE9O0lM6EY -z/uZvMizXN/4ko+hFBjCSt0Vhxjx0kYDSP15btiwh700ywBEubpvLROmd48CAwEA -AaOCBUswggVHMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFB4Fo3ePbJbiW4dLprSGrHEADOc4MB0GA1Ud -DgQWBBTTNWrSb+V/Ayy0i8W2LExMUisQMzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwDAYDVR0T -AQH/BAIwADAdBgNVHSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwZwYDVR0gBGAw -XjBSBgwrBgEEAa4jAQQDAQEwQjBABggrBgEFBQcCARY0aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5j -b21tb24ub3JnL2NlcnQvcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9jcHNfc3NsLnBkZjAIBgZngQwBAgIw -RAYDVR0fBD0wOzA5oDegNYYzaHR0cDovL2NybC5pbmNvbW1vbi1yc2Eub3JnL0lu -Q29tbW9uUlNBU2VydmVyQ0EuY3JsMHUGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGkwZzA+BggrBgEFBQcw -AoYyaHR0cDovL2NydC51c2VydHJ1c3QuY29tL0luQ29tbW9uUlNBU2VydmVyQ0Ff -Mi5jcnQwJQYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGWh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLnVzZXJ0cnVzdC5jb20wggOg -BgNVHREEggOXMIIDk4IUZmFjdWx0eS5taXNzb3VyaS5lZHWCGmFkdmlzaW5nLmNv -YXMubWlzc291cmkuZWR1ghBhaGEubWlzc291cmkuZWR1ghZhbGwtY3JhZnQubWlz -c291cmkuZWR1gh1hbWVyaWNhbmJhc2tldHJ5Lm1pc3NvdXJpLmVkdYIXYW5kcmVh -cmlldy5taXNzb3VyaS5lZHWCFWFydGdyYWRzLm1pc3NvdXJpLmVkdYIYYmFja3Vw -LmNvYXMubWlzc291cmkuZWR1ghBiaWMubWlzc291cmkuZWR1ghZibG9nLmNvYXMu 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-aGUgVVNFUlRSVVNUIE5ldHdvcmsxLjAsBgNVBAMTJVVTRVJUcnVzdCBSU0EgQ2Vy -dGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIK -AoICAQCAEmUXNg7D2wiz0KxXDXbtzSfTTK1Qg2HiqiBNCS1kCdzOiZ/MPans9s/B -3PHTsdZ7NygRK0faOca8Ohm0X6a9fZ2jY0K2dvKpOyuR+OJv0OwWIJAJPuLodMkY -tJHUYmTbf6MG8YgYapAiPLz+E/CHFHv25B+O1ORRxhFnRghRy4YUVD+8M/5+bJz/ -Fp0YvVGONaanZshyZ9shZrHUm3gDwFA66Mzw3LyeTP6vBZY1H1dat//O+T23LLb2 -VN3I5xI6Ta5MirdcmrS3ID3KfyI0rn47aGYBROcBTkZTmzNg95S+UzeQc0PzMsNT -79uq/nROacdrjGCT3sTHDN/hMq7MkztReJVni+49Vv4M0GkPGw/zJSZrM233bkf6 -c0Plfg6lZrEpfDKEY1WJxA3Bk1QwGROs0303p+tdOmw1XNtB1xLaqUkL39iAigmT -Yo61Zs8liM2EuLE/pDkP2QKe6xJMlXzzawWpXhaDzLhn4ugTncxbgtNMs+1b/97l -c6wjOy0AvzVVdAlJ2ElYGn+SNuZRkg7zJn0cTRe8yexDJtC/QV9AqURE9JnnV4ee -UB9XVKg+/XRjL7FQZQnmWEIuQxpMtPAlR1n6BB6T1CZGSlCBst6+eLf8ZxXhyVeE -Hg9j1uliutZfVS7qXMYoCAQlObgOK6nyTJccBz8NUvXt7y+CDwIDAQABo0IwQDAd -BgNVHQ4EFgQUU3m/WqorSs9UgOHYm8Cd8rIDZsswDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMA8G -A1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBAFzUfA3P9wF9QZllDHPF -Up/L+M+ZBn8b2kMVn54CVVeWFPFSPCeHlCjtHzoBN6J2/FNQwISbxmtOuowhT6KO -VWKR82kV2LyI48SqC/3vqOlLVSoGIG1VeCkZ7l8wXEskEVX/JJpuXior7gtNn3/3 -ATiUFJVDBwn7YKnuHKsSjKCaXqeYalltiz8I+8jRRa8YFWSQEg9zKC7F4iRO/Fjs -8PRF/iKz6y+O0tlFYQXBl2+odnKPi4w2r78NBc5xjeambx9spnFixdjQg3IM8WcR -iQycE0xyNN+81XHfqnHd4blsjDwSXWXavVcStkNr/+XeTWYRUc+ZruwXtuhxkYze -Sf7dNXGiFSeUHM9h4ya7b6NnJSFd5t0dCy5oGzuCr+yDZ4XUmFF0sbmZgIn/f3gZ -XHlKYC6SQK5MNyosycdiyA5d9zZbyuAlJQG03RoHnHcAP9Dc1ew91Pq7P8yF1m9/ -qS3fuQL39ZeatTXaw2ewh0qpKJ4jjv9cJ2vhsE/zB+4ALtRZh8tSQZXq9EfX7mRB -VXyNWQKV3WKdwrnuWih0hKWbt5DHDAff9Yk2dDLWKMGwsAvgnEzDHNb842m1R0aB -L6KCq9NjRHDEjf8tM7qtj3u1cIiuPhnPQCjY/MiQu12ZIvVS5ljFH4gxQ+6IHdfG -jjxDah2nGN59PRbxYvnKkKj9 ------END CERTIFICATE----- -EOF - cat /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt >> $cert - CURL_CA_BUNDLE=$cert pi xkbset - fi - - ;;& - ubuntu|trisquel|debian|fedora) - if has_x; then - if isdebian-testing; then - # xkbset was in testing for quite a while, dunno - # why it\'s not anymore. Sometime I should check and - # see if it\'s back in testing, but the unstable package - # doesn\'t upgrade anything form testing, and it\'s tiny - # so I\'m not bothering to automate it. - pi xkbset/unstable - else - pi xkbset - fi - fi - ;;& + ;; esac -if has_x; then - pi xbindkeys -fi -### end setup for keyboard and redshift ### +#### fedora specific packages +case $(distro-name) in + fedora) + # todo, this could probably come later + p -y groupinstall development-tools c-development books admin-tools + pi man-pages + ;; + # other distros unknown +esac -pi cryptsetup lvm2 -# enables trim for volume delete, other rare commands. +#### enable trim +# enable trim for volume delete, other rare commands sudo $sed -ri 's/( *issue_discards\b).*/\1 = 1/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf - if encrypted; then if isdeb; then sudo cp /usr/share/doc/util-linux/examples/fstrim.{service,timer} /etc/systemd/system @@ -544,22 +394,20 @@ if encrypted; then sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer fi +##### make extra dirs dirs=(/mnt/{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} /nocow/t) s mkdir -p "${dirs[@]}" s chown $USER:$USER "${dirs[@]}" - +###### setup /i tu /etc/fstab <<'EOF' /i/w /w none bind,noauto 0 0 /i/k /k none bind,noauto 0 0 EOF - - if ! mountpoint /kr; then s mkdir -p /kr s chown $USER:traci /kr fi - if home_network; then if [[ $HOSTNAME == frodo ]]; then tu /etc/fstab <<'EOF' @@ -571,17 +419,14 @@ frodo:/k /kr nfs noauto 0 0 EOF fi fi - s mkdir -p /q /i/{w,k} for dir in /{i,w,k}; do if mountpoint $dir; then continue; fi # already mounted s mkdir -p $dir s chown $USER:$USER $dir done - # not needed for all hosts, but rather just keep it uniform s mkdir -p /mnt/iroot - # debian auto mounting of multi-disk encrypted btrfs is busted. It is # in jessie, and in stretch as of 11/26/2016 I have 4 disks in cryptab, # based on 3 of those, it creates .device units for /dev/mapper/dev... @@ -630,6 +475,8 @@ EOF sudo systemctl start imount.service fi +##### setup /nocow. +# a nocow dir that is common to multiple distros installed on the same system dir=/nocow if has_btrfs; then if ! mountpoint $dir; then @@ -652,14 +499,8 @@ else sudo mkdir -p $dir fi -# ssh and probably some other things care about parent directory -# ownership, and ssh doesn\'t allow any group writable parent -# directories, so we are forced to use a directory structure similar -# to home directories -s chown root:$USER /q -s chmod 755 /q - +###### fix mouse on jessie # it comes with stretch and arch, but not jessie. # propogate /etc/udev/hwdb.d if which systemd-hwdb; then @@ -668,24 +509,21 @@ if which systemd-hwdb; then fi +##### setup email if isdeb; then - # I\'ve had problems with postfix on debian: - # on stretch, a startup ordering issue caused all mail to fail. - # postfix changed defaults to only use ipv6 dns, causing all my mail to fail. - # exim4 is default on debian, so I assume it would - # be packaged better to avoid these types of things. - # I haven\'t gotten around to getting a non-debian exim - # setup. mail-setup exim4 else + # todo: probably broken mail-setup postfix fi +#### ubuntu nicety if isubuntu; then # disable crash report annoying dialogs. s dd of=/etc/default/apport <<<'enabled=0' fi +###### setup time zone # fai sets this an old way that doesn't work for stretch. # no harm in setting it universally here. # using debconf-set-selection, the area gets reset to ETC @@ -711,21 +549,16 @@ exit EOF +##### install emacs if has_x; then if isarch; then - # install so it's build dependencies don't get removed. - - # emacs git build is currently broken - if false; then - x=$(mktemp -d) - pushd $x - aurex emacs-git - makepkg -si --noconfirm - popd - rm -rf $x - else - pi emacs - fi + # emacs git build was broken last time i checked, + x=$(mktemp -d) + pushd $x + aurex emacs-git + makepkg -si --noconfirm + popd + rm -rf $x pi hunspell hunspell-en else if $recompile; then @@ -734,44 +567,42 @@ if has_x; then /a/bin/buildscripts/emacs --no-r || /a/bin/buildscripts/emacs fi fi +fi - # todo, figure this out for arch if we ever try out gnome. - if ! isarch; then - # install for multiple display managers in case we use one - if isdeb; then - dir=/etc/gdm3 - elif isfedora; then - # fedora didn\'t have the 3. - dir=/etc/gdm - fi - s mkdir -p $dir/PostLogin - s command cp /a/bin/distro-setup/desktop-20-autostart.sh $dir/PostLogin/Default - s mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d - s dd of=/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/12-iank.conf <<'EOF' -[SeatDefaults] -session-setup-script=/a/bin/distro-setup/desktop-20-autostart.sh -EOF - fi - - - pi ghc sakura - # todo, also note for work comp, scp opt/org-mode bin/build-scripts - - # use the package manger version to install the cabal version - pi cabal-install - cabal update - PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cabal/bin" +##### install laptop hardware packages +if tp || x2 || x3; then + case $distro in + debian) + pi task-laptop + ;; + ubuntu|trisquel) + # the exact packages that task-laptop would install, since ubuntu + # doesn\'t have this virtual in practice package. + pi avahi-autoipd bluetooth powertop iw wireless-tools wpasupplicant + ;; + # todo: other distros unknown + esac +fi - # todo, on older ubuntu I used cabal xmonad + xfce, - # see /a/bin/old-unused/xmonad-cabal.sh - # trying out the distros versions newer distros - pi xmonad +##### install xmonad +if has_x; then + pi ${p2[@]} + # note: on older ubuntu I used cabal xmonad + xfce, using cabal versin + # see /w/archive/programming/xmonad-cabal.sh if isarch; then - # for displaying error messages. + # xorg-xmessage for displaying error messages. # optional dependency in arch, standard elsewhere. - pi xorg-xmessage xmonad-contrib xorg-xsetroot xorg-xinit + pi xorg-server xorg-xmessage xmonad-contrib xorg-xsetroot xorg-xinit + else + pi suckless-tools + fi +fi + +##### setup X autostart +if has_x; then + if isarch; then # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xinitrc for homedir in /home/*; do cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc $homedir/.xinitrc @@ -782,27 +613,30 @@ xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr exec xmonad EOF done - else - pi suckless-tools - fi - pi dmenu - - if tp || x2; then - case $distro in - debian) - pi task-laptop - ;; - ubuntu|trisquel) - # the exact packages that task-laptop would install, since ubuntu - # doesn\'t have this virtual in practice package. - pi avahi-autoipd bluetooth powertop iw wireless-tools wpasupplicant - ;; - # todo: other distros unknown - esac + else + # todo, figure this out for arch if we ever try out gnome. + # install for multiple display managers in case we use one + if isdeb; then + dir=/etc/gdm3 + elif isfedora; then + # fedora didn\'t have the 3. + dir=/etc/gdm + fi + s mkdir -p $dir/PostLogin + s command cp /a/bin/distro-setup/desktop-20-autostart.sh $dir/PostLogin/Default + s mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d + s dd of=/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/12-iank.conf <<'EOF' +[SeatDefaults] +session-setup-script=/a/bin/distro-setup/desktop-20-autostart.sh +EOF fi fi + +#### refix interactive ssh terminal # the first pup command can kill off our /etc/ mod, so rerun this /a/exe/ssh-emacs-setup + + echo "$0: $(date): ending now" exit 0