#!/bin/bash # I, Ian Kelling, follow the GNU license recommendations at # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-recommendations.en.html. They # recommend that small programs, < 300 lines, be licensed under the # Apache License 2.0. This file contains or is part of one or more small # programs. If a small program grows beyond 300 lines, I plan to switch # its license to GPL. # Copyright 2024 Ian Kelling # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # meant to be sourced # # packages with the same name across distros. p1=( bind9-host cryptsetup lvm2 mbuffer moreutils screen tmux ) p2=( bash-completion curl eatmydata etckeeper ethtool fping git haveged htop iptables mailutils nano nmon needrestart ntp rdiff-backup ruby ruby-rest-client traceroute tree uptimed vim wget ) # swh-plugins is for karaoke pulsaudio filter. # mutagen for pithos # guvcview set webcam brightness to highest # pidgin-otr, i went into pidgin pluggin settings and generated a key for some accounts # xawtv has webcam cli control. v4lctl bright 80%; v4lctl list # guvcview also adjusts webcam # pv is used by btrbk # libterm-readkey-perl for rt cli tool # fonts pkgs are an attempt to get less block characters # gnat-5 & ccache is for coreboot # gnat-5 doesnt exist in nabia, might not even be needed for coreboot anymore so removed it # python3-dnspython is needed by some ansible module # python3-autopep8 is nice, etiona only has python2 version, not bothering # to setup a conditional or pin to nabia. # metastore is for /p/c commit hook to store user/perms p3=( at adb ansible apache2 apache2-doc apg apt-doc apt-listchanges apt-rdepends apt-show-versions aptitude-doc-en arandr arbtt # dictionary / thesaurus artha asciidoc backupninja barrier bash-doc # not using it currently and it has a dependency problem # beets # beets-doc binutils-doc bind9-doc bind9utils # for system76 laptop with i3 keybind. brightnessctl build-essential bwm-ng ccache cheese cloc # pretty complex config. i just setup to ignore my password managerf # according to the docs, and C-M-v to open the main window copyq cpulimit cron csvkit cvs debian-archive-keyring debug-me debootstrap debconf-doc devscripts dillo dirmngr dos2unix dosfstools dnsutils dsh dunst python3-dnspython # better du in t11+ duf duplicity elinks evince exim4-doc-html exfat-fuse # was exfat-utils before aramo exfatprogs expect # for ftp upload dejagnu test libdate-manip-perl libemail-messageid-perl fakeroot fail2ban fdupes feh filelight firejail flashrom fonts-noto fonts-roboto fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-thai-tlwg-otf ftp-upload fzf xfonts-intl-asian fonts-sil-lateef gajim gawk-doc # gcc suggests make manpages-dev autoconf automake libtool flex bison gcc-doc gdb gdb-doc geoip-bin geoip-database gimp git-doc git-email git-cvs git-svn gitk glibc-doc goaccess gnome-screenshot # color picker gpick grepmail guvcview gwenview # for my / office hp printers hplip html-xml-utils html2text hunspell i3lock i3status iftop iotop info inotify-tools ipcalc iputils-tracepath iperf3 iproute2-doc irqbalance jq kid3-qt kid3-cli konsole knot-dnsutils libterm-readkey-perl libreoffice linphone linux-doc lshw make-doc manpages manpages-dev markdown # probably add this in t12. it is utilities for maildir. # for now, building from source # mblaze mb2md mdadm meld memtester metastore mhonarc mmdebstrap mp3gain mps-youtube mpv mumble mupdf mutt nagstamon namazu2 ncdu # gnupload dependency ncftp nethogs nginx-doc nmap nyancat nzbget obs-studio offlineimap oathtool opendkim-tools p7zip-full paprefs parted parted-doc pass pavucontrol pdfgrep perl-doc pianobar pinentry-tty pinentry-gtk2 pidgin pidgin-otr pixz profanity pry # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/bluetooth pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pv python3-doc qemu-user-static qimgv qrencode readline-doc rename reportbug # first exist in t11 afaik ripgrep rfkill rng-tools rygel sakura schroot shellcheck # for sig2dot signing-party sipcalc socat # add-apt-repository software-properties-common speex sox sqlite3-doc squashfs-tools strace subversion swaks swh-plugins tar-doc tcpdump tcl tcl-tclreadline telnet tmate transmission-remote-gtk trash-cli tty-clock units uuid-runtime vlc wamerican-huge wireless-tools w3m whois wondershaper xawtv xbacklight xdot # needed for some i3 hacks xdotool xloadimage xprintidle xscreensaver xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gl-extra global python3-pygments ) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 pall=(${p1[@]} ${p2[@]} ${p3[@]} )