# disabled for various reasons # */5 * * * * /a/bin/offlineimap_cronjob # */1 * * * * unison ~/.mpv ssh://htpc/.mpv # small-backpup: # runs every 10 minutes, every day 4 am, every sunday at 3 am # stored for 3 days, 2 months, and unlimited respectively SHELL=/bin/bash 0 4 * * * ian x=$(/a/exe/logq /a/bin/small-backup --retry daily 2M); [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "$x" 0 3 * * sun ian echo weekly backup results:; /a/bin/small-backup --retry weekly -batch -prefer ~/.mpv -silent 2>&1 | /a/exe/log-once unison-mpv */5 * * * * ian /a/bin/dynamic-ip-update.sh */10 * * * * ian /a/bin/small-backup 10minutes 3D 2>&1 | /a/exe/log-once small-backup-10min # put things we don't want to send mail about below this: # MAILTO=""