#!/bin/bash -x # Copyright (C) 2016 Ian Kelling # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # todo /boot/chboot needs update for lvm i think? PS4='+ $LINENO ' set -eE -o pipefail trap 'echo "$0:$LINENO:error: \"$BASH_COMMAND\" returned $?" >&2' ERR if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then echo "$0: error: need to run as root" >&2 exit 1 fi # for calling outside of FAI without args: # # source /b/fai/fai-wrapper # - set any appropriate classes with: fai-setclass OPT1... which sets CLASS_OPT1=true... # or run eval-fai-classfile FILE. # - Set a VOL_DISTROVER (if not doing mkroot2) eg: # fai-setclass VOL_NABIA # # ARGS (only 1 is valid): # # mkroot2: for running outside of fai and setting up the root2/boot2 luks and btrfs and tab files # # mkroot2tab: for running outside of fai and setting up the root2/boot2 tab files, in case luks and btrfs # happen to already be setup. # # mktab: for running outside of fai and generating a crypttab for # the main root fs in /tmp/fai. Must run with env var, eg export DISTRO=trisquelaramo. # # Example use in a bootstrap distro: # scp /a/bin/fai/fai/config/{distro-install-common/devbyid,hooks/partition.DEFAULT} root@HOST: # sl HOST # export DISTRO=trisquelnabia; ./partition.DEFAULT mktab # ## cryptsetup wont take within a pipeline # mapfile -t lines < <(awk '! /swap/ {print $2,$1}' /tmp/fai/crypttab ) # for l in "${lines[@]}"; do cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done # # # or alternatively, to avoid typing it many times: # read -r lukspw; for l in "${lines[@]}"; do yes "$lukspw" | cryptsetup luksOpen $l; done ## potentially useful later: # sed 's#/root/keyscript,#decrypt_keyctl,#;s/$/,noauto/' /tmp/fai/crypttab >/etc/crypttab # # environment variables: # # HOSTNAME: if demohost, we set the luks password to just # 'x'. Used in various other ways too. # # SPECIAL_DISK: For use outside of fai. A base disk name like # /dev/sdk. If set, we just cryptsetup and partition this one disk then # exit. This is useful for partitioning a disk in preparation to replace # a failed or failing disk from a raid10 array. # # classes: # # REPARTITION: forces repartitioning even if we detect the proper amount # of partitions already exist. # # NOWIPE: use existing subvolumes if they exist # # REROOTFS: Don't reuse the root filesystem, even if we normally would # # ROTATIONAL: forces to install onto hdds instead of sdds. normally sdds # are chosen if they exist. # # PARTITION_PROMPT: command line prompt before partitioning. This is good # to set if we don't expect repartitioning to happen. # # ROTATIONAL: in a system with ssd and hdd, install to the hdd # instead of the default ssd. # # RAID0: forces raid0 filesystem. Normally with 4+ devices, we use # raid10. # RAID1: forces raid1 filesystem. # RAID1c3: forces raid1c3 filesystem (btrfs raid 1, 3 copies). mkroot2tab=false mkroot2=false mktab=false if [[ $1 ]]; then ## duplicates fai-wrapper, for convenience of not needing it if ! type -t ifclass &>/dev/null; then ifclass() { local var=${1/#/CLASS_} [[ $HOSTNAME == "$1" || ${!var} ]] } fi case $1 in mkroot2) mkroot2=true ;; mkroot2tab) mkroot2tab=true ;; mktab) mktab=true ;; *) echo "$0: error: unsupported arg: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac fi if [[ ! $SPECIAL_DISK ]] && ! $mkroot2 && ! $mkroot2tab && ! $mktab \ && ! ifclass IANK && ! ifclass FSF; then echo $0: error: need class IANK or FSF or SPECIAL_DISK for running in fai fi if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then export CLASS_REPARTITION=true fi # # fai's setup-storage won't do btrfs on luks, # # so we do it ourself :) # inspiration taken from files in fai-setup-storage package # if we are not running in fai, skiptask won't be defined, so carry on. skiptask partition || ! type skiptask if ! type -p devbyid; then for d in $FAI/distro-install-common \ /a/bin/fai/fai/config/distro-install-common $FAI $PWD; do [[ -d $d ]] || continue if [[ -e $d/devbyid ]]; then devbyid=$d/devbyid devbyid() { $devbyid "$@"; } break fi done if [[ ! $devbyid ]]; then echo "$0: error: failed to find devbyid script" >&2 exit 1 fi fi #### begin configuration # this is the ordering of the /dev/sdaX, but # the ordering of the partition layout goes like this: # bios_grub # grub_ext # efi # lvm # root # swap # boot ##### end configuration ##### begin function defs bpart() { # btrfs a partition case $raid_level in 0) mkfs.btrfs -f $@ ;; *) mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid$raid_level -d raid$raid_level $@ ;; esac } zilap() { case $HOSTNAME in sy|bo|so) return 0 ;; esac return 1 } getluks() { if [[ ! $luks_dir ]]; then # see README for docs about how to create these luks_dir=$FAI/distro-install-common/luks if [[ ! -d $luks_dir ]]; then luks_dir=/q/root/luks fi if [[ ! -d $luks_dir ]]; then echo "$0: error: no luks_dir found" >&2 exit 1 fi fi luks_file=$luks_dir/host-$HOSTNAME if [[ ! -e $luks_file ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2206 # globbing is intended hostkeys=($luks_dir/host-*) # if there is only one key, we might be deploying somewhere # where dhcp doesnt give us a proper hostname, so use that. if [[ ${#hostkeys[@]} == 1 && -e ${hostkeys[0]} ]]; then luks_file=${hostkeys[0]} else echo "$0: error: no key for hostname at $luks_file" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # # note, corresponding changes in /b/ds/keyscript-{on,off} if ifclass demohost; then lukspw=x elif [[ -e $luks_dir/$HOSTNAME ]]; then lukspw=$(cat $luks_dir/$HOSTNAME) else lukspw=$(cat $luks_dir/iank) fi if $mkroot2; then luks_file=$luks_dir/host-amy lukspw=$(cat $luks_dir/amy) fi } fsf() { ifclass FSF } dev-mib() { local d=${1:-$dev} echo $(( $(parted -m $d unit MiB print | \ sed -nr "s#^/dev/[^:]+:([0-9]+).*#\1#p") - 1)) } luks-setup() { local luksdev="$1" local cryptname="$2" # when we move to newer than trisquel 9, we can remove # --type luks1. We can also check on cryptsetup --help | less /compil # to see about the other settings. Default in debian 9 is luks2. # You can convert from luks2 to luks 1 by adding a temporary key: # cryptsetup luksAddKey --pbkdf pbkdf2 # then remove the new format keys with cryptsetup luksRemoveKey # then cryptsetup convert DEV --type luks1, then readd old keys and remove temp. yes YES | cryptsetup luksFormat $luksdev $luks_file || [[ $? == 141 ]] yes "$lukspw" | \ cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file $luks_file \ $luksdev || [[ $? == 141 ]] # background: Keyfile and password are treated just # like 2 ways to input a passphrase, so we don't actually need to have # different contents of keyfile and passphrase, but it makes some # security sense to a really big randomly generated passphrase # as much as possible, so we have both. # # This would remove the keyfile. # yes 'test' | cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/... \ # /key/file || [[ $? == 141 ]] cryptsetup luksOpen $luksdev $cryptname --key-file $luks_file } mktab() { mkdir -p /tmp/fai dev=${boot_devs[0]} fstabstd="x-systemd.device-timeout=30s,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30s" if [[ $DISTRO == *_bootstrap ]]; then cat > /tmp/fai/fstab </tmp/fai/disk_var.sh < /tmp/fai/fstab <> /tmp/fai/fstab <>/tmp/fai/crypttab <> /tmp/fai/fstab <> /tmp/fai/fstab </tmp/fai/disk_var.sh <>/tmp/fai/crypttab <> /tmp/fai/fstab <>/tmp/fai/crypttab <> /tmp/fai/fstab <>/mnt/root/root2-crypttab <>/mnt/root/root2-fstab < 2)); then mopts=,compress=zstd fi declare -A disk_excludes if ! $mkroot2 && ! $mkroot2tab && ! $mktab ! ifclass USE_MOUNTED; then ## ignore disks that are mounted, eg when running from fai-cd while read -r l; do eval "$l" if [[ ! $PKNAME ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 # not a misspelling PKNAME="$KNAME" fi if [[ $MOUNTPOINT ]]; then disk_excludes[$PKNAME]=true fi done < <(lsblk -nP -o KNAME,MOUNTPOINT,PKNAME) fi hdds=() ssds=() # this excludes "usb". vda disk has empty tran (transport). This may need adjustment # for some new type we come across. cdrom has type "rom" for disk in $(lsblk -ndo name,type,tran | awk '$3 ~ "^(sata|nvme|)$" && $2 == "disk" { print $1 }'); do if [[ ${disk_excludes[$disk]} ]]; then continue fi case $disk in # cdrom sr*) continue ;; esac case $(cat /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational) in 0) ssds+=("/dev/$disk") echo $0: found ssd /dev/$disk ;; 1) hdds+=("/dev/$disk") echo $0: found hdd /dev/$disk ;; *) echo "$0: error: unknown /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational: \ $(cat $disk/queue/rotational)"; exit 1 ;; esac done # install all ssds, or if there are none, all hdds. # Note, usb flash disks are seen as rotational, which is # very odd, but convenient for ignoring them here. if ! ifclass ROTATIONAL && (( ${#ssds[@]} > 0 )); then read -ra short_devs<<<"${ssds[@]}" else read -ra short_devs<<<"${hdds[@]}" fi pvn=1 bootn=2 # rootn=1 # root2n=2 # swapn=3 # bootn=4 # boot2n=5 efin=3 # ext partition so grub can write persistent variables, # so it can do a one time boot. grub can't write to # btrfs or any cow fs because it's more # more complicated to do and they don't want to. grub_extn=4 # bios boot partition, # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB bios_grubn=5 # for an even raid (raid 1), when one disk is bigger, this partition goes on the big disk even_bign=6 # even_bign only exists in some cases lastn=$bios_grubn # check if the partitions exist have the right filesystems #blkid="$(blkid -s TYPE)" for dev in ${short_devs[@]}; do if $partition; then break; fi y=$(readlink -f $dev) # shellcheck disable=SC2206 # globbing is intended arr=($y?*) if (( ${#arr[@]} < lastn )); then partition=true fi # On one system, blkid is missing some partitions. # maybe we need a flag, like FUZZY_BLKID or something, so we # can check that at least some exist. # for x in "`rootdev`: TYPE=\"crypto_LUKS\"" "`bootdev`: TYPE=\"btrfs\""; do # echo "$blkid" | grep -Fx "$x" &>/dev/null || partition=true # done done if $partition && ifclass PARTITION_PROMPT; then echo "Press any key except ctrl-c to continue and partition these drives:" if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then echo $SPECIAL_DISK else echo " ${short_devs[*]}" fi read -r fi devs=() vgs=() root_devs=() o_devs=() swap_devs=() shopt -s extglob partsuffix=-part for short_dev in ${short_devs[@]}; do dev="$(devbyid $short_dev)" if [[ $dev != */by-id/* ]]; then # no by-id link, assume we are in a vm and this is true for all devs. partsuffix= fi # for vms, cant name a vg the same as the short device name, they # conflict: /dev/$vg is already taken dname=${dev##*/} vg=vg$dname vg=${vg//:/} vgs+=("$vg") devs+=("$dev") if fsf; then root_devs+=(/dev/$vg/root) swap_devs+=(/dev/$vg/swap) else o_devs+=(/dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-o) root_devs+=(/dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-root) swap_devs+=(/dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-swap) fi done first_root_dev=${root_devs[0]} if [[ ! $SPECIAL_DISK && ! ${devs[0]} ]]; then echo "$0: error: failed to detect devs" >&2 exit 1 fi pvsuf=$partsuffix$pvn bootsuf=$partsuffix$bootn efisuf=$partsuffix$efin grub_extsuf=$partsuffix$grub_extn # We dont do anything with this partition here, so this # is be unused, but left as a comment for completing the pattern # of all the suffixes. #bios_grubsuf=$partsuffix$bios_grubn even_bigsuf=$partsuffix$even_bign boot_space=0 first=true boot_devs=() boot2_devs=() for dev in ${devs[@]}; do vg=vg${dev##*/} vg=${vg//:/} # I ran into a machine (frodo) where the bios doesn't know about some disks, # so 1st stage of grub also doesn't know about them. # Also, grub does not support mounting degraded btrfs as far as # I can tell with some googling. # From within an arch install env, I could detect them by noting # their partitions were mixed with the next disk in /dev/disk/by-path, # and I have mixed model disks, and I could see the 8 models which showed # up in the bios, and thus see which 2 models were missing. # hdparm -I /dev/sdh will give model info in linux. # However, in fai on jessie, /dev/disk/by-path dir doesn't exist, # and I don't see another way, so I'm hardcoding them. # We still put grub on them and partition them the same, for uniformity # and in case they get moved to a system that can recognize them, # we just exclude them from the boot filesystem. cd /dev/disk/by-id/ bad_disk=false for id in ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_8539K4TQFS9A \ ata-TOSHIBA_MD04ACA500_Y5IFK6IJFS9A; do if [[ $(readlink -f $id) == "$(readlink -f $dev)" ]]; then bad_disk=true break fi done if $bad_disk; then continue fi boot_devs+=($dev$bootsuf) boot2_devs+=(/dev/$vg/boot2) boot_space=$(( boot_space + $(parted -m $dev unit MiB print | \ sed -nr "s#^/dev/[^:]+:([0-9]+).*#\1#p") - 1)) if $first; then first_efi=$dev$efisuf first_grub_extdev=$dev$grub_extsuf first=false fi done first_boot_dev=${boot_devs[0]} even_raid=false if ifclass RAID0 || (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 1 )); then raid_level=0 raid_duplication=1 elif ifclass RAID1 || (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 2 )); then if (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 2 )); then even_raid=true fi raid_level=1 raid_duplication=2 elif ifclass RAID1c3 || (( ${#boot_devs[@]} == 3 )); then raid_level=1c3 raid_duplication=3 else raid_level=10 raid_duplication=2 fi ### Begin calculate boot partition space # due to raid duplication case $raid_level in 1|10) boot_space=$(( boot_space / 2 )) ;; 1c3) boot_space=$(( boot_space / 3 )) ;; esac if fsf; then boot_mib=6000 elif (( boot_space > 900000 )); then # this is larger than needed for several /boot subvols, # becuase I keep a minimal debian install on it for # recovery needs and for doing pxe-kexec. boot_mib=10000 root2_mib=500000 boot2_mib=5000 elif (( boot_space > 30000 )); then boot_mib=$(( 5000 + (boot_space - 30000) / 2 )) root2_mib=100 boot2_mib=100 else # Small vms don't have room for /boot recovery. With 3 kernels # installed, i'm using 132M on t8, so this seems like plenty of # room. note: rhel 8 recomments 1g for /boot. u20.04 with 3 kernels = # 308 mb, so things have grown significantly boot_mib=1000 root2_mib=100 boot2_mib=100 fi boot_part_mib=$(( boot_mib * raid_duplication / ${#boot_devs[@]} )) if zilap; then boot2_part_mib=$(( boot2_mib * raid_duplication / ${#boot_devs[@]} )) root2_part_mib=$(( root2_mib * raid_duplication / ${#root_devs[@]} )) else boot2_part_mib=0 root2_part_mib=0 fi ### end calculate boot partition space if [[ ! $DISTRO ]]; then if ifclass VOL_BOOKWORM_BOOTSTRAP; then DISTRO=debianbookworm_bootstrap elif ifclass VOL_BULLSEYE_BOOTSTRAP; then DISTRO=debianbullseye_bootstrap elif ifclass VOL_STRETCH; then DISTRO=debianstretch elif ifclass VOL_BUSTER; then DISTRO=debianbuster elif ifclass VOL_BULLSEYE; then DISTRO=debianbullseye elif ifclass VOL_BOOKWORM; then DISTRO=debianbookworm elif ifclass VOL_TESTING; then DISTRO=debiantesting elif ifclass VOL_XENIAL; then DISTRO=ubuntuxenial elif ifclass VOL_BIONIC; then DISTRO=ubuntubionic elif ifclass VOL_FOCAL; then DISTRO=ubuntufocal elif ifclass VOL_JAMMY; then DISTRO=ubuntujammy elif ifclass VOL_FLIDAS; then DISTRO=trisquelflidas elif ifclass VOL_ETIONA; then DISTRO=trisqueletiona elif ifclass VOL_NABIA; then DISTRO=trisquelnabia elif ifclass VOL_ARAMO; then DISTRO=trisquelaramo elif $mkroot2 || $mkroot2tab; then : else echo "PARTITIONER ERROR: no distro class/var set" >&2 exit 1 fi fi if [[ $DISTRO == *_bootstrap ]]; then # this is just convenience for the libreboot_grub config # so we can glob the other ones easier. boot_vol=$DISTRO else boot_vol=boot_$DISTRO fi # 1.5 x based on https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Installation_Guide/sect-disk-partitioning-setup-x86.html#sect-custom-partitioning-x86 swap_mib=$(( $(grep ^MemTotal: /proc/meminfo | \ awk '{print $2}') * 3/(${#devs[@]} * 2 ) / 1024 )) shopt -s nullglob ##### end variable setup if $mkroot2 || $mkroot2tab; then getluks doroot2 elif $mktab; then mktab exit 0 else mktab if ! fsf; then getluks fi fi if $partition; then ### begin wipefs if [[ ! $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then # we do lvm removals just for the disks we are using pv_wipes=() vg_wipes=() declare -A vg_map pv_devs=$(pvs --noheadings -o pvname) for pv_dev in $pv_devs; do for short_dev in ${short_devs[@]}; do if [[ $pv_dev == $short_dev* ]]; then pv_wipes+=($pv_dev) vgs_of_pv=$(pvs --noheadings -o vgname $pv_dev) for vg in $vgs_of_pv; do if [[ ${vg_map[$vg]} ]]; then continue fi vg_map[$vg]=t vg_wipes+=($vg) lvs=$(vgs --noheadings -o lv_path $vg) for lv in $lvs; do wipefs -a $lv done done fi done done for vg in ${vg_wipes[@]}; do vgchange -an $vg vgremove -ff $vg done for pv in ${pv_wipes[@]}; do pvremove -ff $pv done for dev in ${devs[@]}; do # if we repartition to the same as an old partition, # we don't want any old fses hanging around. count_down=10 # wipefs has failed, manual run works, google suggests timing issue while ! wipefs -a $dev; do sleep 2 count_down=$((count_down - 1)) if (( count_down <= 0 )); then echo "$0: wipefs failed 10 times. exiting" >&2 exit 1 fi done done fi ### end wipefs # When we have 2 disks of at least 100g difference in size, # make an extra partition on the end of the bigger one. even_big_part=false even_diff_min=100000 if $even_raid; then smalli=0 bigi=1 if (( $(dev-mib ${devs[0]}) >= $(dev-mib ${devs[1]}) )); then smalli=1 bigi=0 fi disk_mib=$(dev-mib ${devs[smalli]}) even_big_dev=${devs[bigi]} even_big_mib=$(dev-mib $even_big_dev) if (( even_big_mib - disk_mib > even_diff_min )); then even_big_part=true fi fi if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then devs=($(devbyid $SPECIAL_DISK)) fi for dev in ${devs[@]}; do vg=vg${dev##*/} vg=${vg//:/} # parted will round up the disk size. Do -1 so we can have # fully 1MiB unit partitions for easy resizing of the last partition. # Otherwise we would pass in -0 for the end argument for the last partition. # # Note: parted print error output is expected. example: # Error: /dev/vda: unrecognised disk label if ! $even_raid; then disk_mib=$(dev-mib) fi parted -s $dev mklabel gpt # MiB because parted complains about alignment otherwise. pcmd="parted -a optimal -s -- $dev" # main lvm partition pv_end=$(( disk_mib - boot_part_mib )) $pcmd mkpart primary ext3 524MiB ${pv_end}MiB $pcmd name $pvn pv # + 794 pvcreate -y /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000DM000-1F2168_Z3028BKA-part1 # WARNING: Device /dev/sde1 not initialized in udev database even after waiting 10000000 microseconds. # No device found for /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000DM000-1F2168_Z3028BKA-part1. # sleep 10 was not enough. secs=0 while [[ ! -e $dev$pvsuf ]] && (( secs < 40 )); do sleep 1 secs=$((secs +1)) done sleep 3 pvcreate -y -ff $dev$pvsuf vgcreate -y -ff $vg $dev$pvsuf if fsf; then root_mib=40000 elif ifclass demohost; then # just randomish numbers that seem ok for testing. root_mib=25000 o_mib=1000 else # This would maximize it, but we are going for a separate filesystem in /o, # so use fixed sizes to allow both to grow # 600 = uefi 512 + grubext 8 + bios grub 3 + some extra cuz this is lvm #root_mib=$(( disk_mib - root2_part_mib - swap_mib - boot_part_mib - boot2_part_mib - 600 )) o_mib=$(( 180 * 1000 )) # max minus o, minus a gig just for some extra space max_root_mib=$(( disk_mib - root2_part_mib - swap_mib - boot_part_mib - boot2_part_mib - 600 - o_mib - 1000 )) root_mib=$(( 1700 * 1000 )) # * 1000 to make it in gb. if (( max_root_mib < root_mib )); then root_mib=$max_root_mib fi fi if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then lvcreate -y -L $max_root_mib $vg -n data else # -L unit default mebibyte lvcreate -y -L $root_mib $vg -n root if ! fsf; then lvcreate -y -L $o_mib $vg -n o fi lvcreate -y -L $swap_mib $vg -n swap # unencrypted swap needs mkswap if fsf; then mkswap /dev/$vg/swap fi fi $pcmd mkpart primary "" ${pv_end}MiB ${disk_mib}MiB $pcmd name $bootn boot $pcmd set $bootn boot on # uefi partition, for normal bios systems, its just in case. $pcmd mkpart primary "fat32" 12MiB 524MiB $pcmd name $efin efi # note, this is shown here: https://support.system76.com/articles/bootloader/ # but not mentioned https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/EFI_system_partition # might not be needed $pcmd set $efin esp on # i only need a few k, but googling min size, # I found someone saying that gparted required # required at least 8 because of their hard drive cylinder size. # And 8 is still very tiny. # grub_ext partition $pcmd mkpart primary "ext2" 4MiB 12MiB $pcmd name $grub_extn grubext # gpt ubuntu cloud image uses ~4 mb for this partition. fai uses 1 MiB. # so, I use 3, whatever. # note: parted manual saying cheap flash media # should to start at 4. # biols grub partition $pcmd mkpart primary "" 1MiB 4MiB $pcmd name $bios_grubn biosgrub $pcmd set $bios_grubn bios_grub on if $even_big_part && [[ $dev == "$even_big_dev" ]]; then $pcmd mkpart primary ext3 ${disk_mib}MiB ${even_big_mib}MiB $pcmd name $even_bign even_big fi # the mkfs failed before on a vm, which prompted me to add # sleep .1 # then it failed again on a physical machine # with: # Device /dev/disk/by-id/foo doesn't exist or access denied, # so I added a wait until it existed. # Then I added the mkfs.ext2, which claimed to succeed, # but then couldn't be found upon reboot. In that case we didn't # wait at all. So I've added a 3 second minimum wait. secs=0 while [[ ! -e $dev$efisuf ]] && (( secs < 40 )); do sleep 1 secs=$((secs +1)) done sleep 3 mkfs.fat -F32 $dev$efisuf if ! fsf && $even_big_part && [[ $dev == "$even_big_dev" ]]; then luks-setup $even_big_dev$even_bigsuf ${even_big_dev##*/}$even_bigsuf mkfs.btrfs -f /dev/mapper/${even_big_dev##*/}$even_bigsuf fi # Holds just a single file, rarely written, so # use ext2, like was often used for the /boot partition. # This exists because grub can only persist data to a non-cow fs. # And we use persisting a var in grub to do a one time boot. # We could pass the data on the kernel command line and persist it # to grubenv after booting, but that relies on the boot always succeeding. # This is just a bit more robust, and it could work for booting # into ipxe which can't persist data, if we ever got that working. mkfs.ext2 $dev$grub_extsuf if [[ $SPECIAL_DISK ]]; then luks-setup /dev/$vg/data crypt-$vg-data exit 0 fi # for fsf, no encryption of root because root will not contain any # sensitive data. if ! fsf; then luks-setup /dev/$vg/root crypt-$vg-root luks-setup /dev/$vg/o crypt-$vg-o fi done ls -la /dev/btrfs-control # this was probably for debugging... sleep 1 bpart ${root_devs[@]} if ! fsf; then bpart ${o_devs[@]} fi bpart ${boot_devs[@]} else ## end if $partition ## if ! fsf; then for vg in ${vgs[@]}; do if [[ -e /dev/mapper/crypt-$vg-root ]]; then continue fi if $rerootfs; then luks-setup /dev/$vg/root crypt-$vg-root else cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$vg/root crypt-$vg-root \ --key-file $luks_file cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$vg/o crypt-$vg-o \ --key-file $luks_file fi done fi if $rerootfs; then sleep 1 bpart ${root_devs[@]} fi sleep 1 fi if $wipe && [[ $DISTRO != *_bootstrap ]]; then # bootstrap distro doesn't use separate encrypted root. mount -o subvolid=0 ${root_devs[0]} /mnt # systemd creates subvolumes we want to delete. mapfile -t s < <(btrfs subvolume list --sort=-path /mnt | sed -rn "s#^.*path\s*(root_$DISTRO/\S+)\s*\$#\1#p") for subvol in ${s[@]}; do btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/$subvol; done btrfs subvolume set-default 0 /mnt [[ ! -e /mnt/root_$DISTRO ]] || btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/root_$DISTRO ## create subvols ## cd /mnt btrfs subvolume create root_$DISTRO # could set default subvol like this, but no reason to. # btrfs subvolume set-default \ # $(btrfs subvolume list . | grep "root_$DISTRO$" | awk '{print $2}') . # For raid systems, cow allows for error correction, for non-raid systems, # protects root fs from having the plug pulled. Reprovisioning a root # subvol is not my favorite thing to do. # # no cow on the root filesystem. it's setup is fully scripted, # # if it's messed up, we will just recreated it, # # and we can get better perf with this. # # I can't remember exactly why, but this is preferable to mounting with # # -o nodatacow, I think because subvolumes inherit that. # chattr -Rf +C root_$DISTRO cd / umount /mnt fi mount -o subvolid=0 $first_boot_dev /mnt cd /mnt btrfs subvolume set-default 0 /mnt # already default, just ensuring it. # for libreboot systems. grub2 only reads from subvolid=0 mkdir -p /mnt/grub2 # todo: this would need some rework if we moved boot into # lvm. cp $FAI/distro-install-common/libreboot_grub.cfg /mnt/grub2 if $wipe && [[ -e /mnt/$boot_vol ]]; then btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/$boot_vol fi if [[ ! -e /mnt/$boot_vol ]]; then btrfs subvolume create $boot_vol fi cd / umount /mnt ## end create subvols ## mount $first_grub_extdev /mnt grub-editenv /mnt/grubenv set did_fai_check=true grub-editenv /mnt/grubenv set last_boot=/$boot_vol umount /mnt # initial setup of extra data fs, mounted, # btrfs subvol create nocow # chattr +C nocow # chown iank.iank nocow